Saturday, February 5, 2011


apa yang aku rasa sekarang ni
membuak buak panas nye..
nak marah orang je keje..
nak baling baling barang..
macam nak meletop pun ada..
susah nak describe macam mane..
kalau korang ada main game Plants Vs Zombies, mesti tau plant nama jalapeno..

ni la game tu.. comel je..

ni plak jalapeno.. suke letop letop

The Jalapeno is a high-damage explosive that can clear an entire lane of zombies and even melt ice from Zomboni's.
Its shape and name are based on the Jalapeño chili pepper, a cultivar of the Capsicum annuum species, valued for its spicy flavour.

ok.. aku better diam kan diri, isolate sorang sorang..
jangan kacau aku..
nanti aku meletop..


Anonymous said... nie mmg ble z0mbie dh menang n mkn 0tak kite mmg hangin bt0l....^_^

WaFa ShaHiRaH said...

hoho.. tau xpe !!
ahaha.. comel giler game ni..